sonja stummerer & martin hablesreiter


location: Galerie Braque Paris

date: 5th September 2015

partners: Linda Zlok, Earlwyn Covington, Marc Bretillot



Sonja Stummerer and Martin Hablesreiter (honey & bunny) appear in strange garments. Her curves, his muscles are overdone compared to prevalent body design ideals. The suits designed and produced by Linda Zlok present full, milky white breasts, sinewy, huge muscles, etc. With a hidden zip, Sonja Stummerer uncovers one of Martin Hablesreiter’s upper arm muscles, and eats it up. He thereupon takes a straw and empties one of her breasts with it. The beginning of a game. Honey and bunny starts to force the audience to eat food out of their suits. By means of zips and simply their teeth the guests eat up the artists ideal body.


This project connects three design sectors: fashion, body and food design. With fashion designer Linda Zlok honey & bunny explore the (steadily changing) ideal of the human body. It is an object of design that is, among other things, created and formed by food and fashion. We are trying to get to the bottom of the origin of ideals, and to bring this to stage in form of a persiflage. During the preparations we create an ideal image made of forms, colours, odours, and tastes. Every part of the body is analysed and interpreted aesthetically. Which parts of a body are liquid, solid or gaseous? How do we taste or smell, and which colour is associated with which part of the body? Does our body possess intoxicating places, and which temperatures do we allocate? A suit, filled with various liquid, solid, hot, cold, red or green edibles comes into form. As a result, we develop a choreography of the body, of body design and sensuality. How does one open the suit, and where? Which order to we choose when eating up the other?


Stummerer / Hablesreiter explore how societies configure their behaviour, their dealing with objects as well as with their bodies. From a designer’s point of view they document those sensuous, functional and cultural parameters, which constantly define the aesthetic and social ideals of a society.