sonja stummerer & martin hablesreiter

Eat Design


  Amsterdam’s Stadshowburg


 eat art performance



At an ironic dinner in Amsterdam’s Stadshowburg, the designer Honey & Bunny deconstruct the cultural background and social functions of cutlery, tables and napkins and show in a humorous manner how food and eating reinforce feudal hierarchies, keep the patriarchy in place and encourage xenophobia. Honey & Bunny show diners to their places. On, under and in front of a long covered dinner table with holes in it, which is not be horizontal but will rise to various heights, you find objects for sitting, kneeling, lying down and/or standing.

The table is set, but not with conventional crockery or cutlery. At one place setting, you might find a pile of dirty dishes. Another might be fenced off with barbed wire. And at another, the tableware might appear to be flying. Also on the table are books, laptops, and “cutlery” such as weapons, nail clippers, a tailor’s dummy’s hands, and wrenches.